Thursday 29 October 2015

Herbal Lore - Clove Buds

Clove Buds (Syzygium aromaticum)

Planetary Signature: Jupiter & Saturn

Astrological Signature: Capricorn

Elemental Signature: Fire

Parts Used: dried buds (whole, granules, or ground), essential oil (middle-note), and culinary flavoring-extract

Folk-Names: King of Spices

Herb-Lore & Magic:
Clove is another reputed commanding and power herb that is used to add necessary force to a love or money formula, depending upon the other ingredients to which it has been added.  The common name is derived from the Latin noun clavus, which means “a nail” in reference to its natural shape of the dried buds.  It is associated with protection in Indonesia where cloves are stuck into the nostrils and lips in order to “nail” those passageways closed so that demons and other evil spirits could not enter through them.

Cloves may be used in a variety of protection spells and formula where literal or metaphysical doors and windows must be “nailed” shut, including the prevention of sickness.  One may use clove buds to seal a pact with spirits, the gods, or a vow before one’s Coven during the hallowed Rite of Initiation in order to bind oneself to their word.  Furthermore, cloves may be used when signing contracts, making promises or deals, as well as at Handfastings to cement a bond.  It may be combined with slipper elm bark, or other herbs to facilitate the truth, to stop gossip.  It may also be blended with benzoin resin to banish unruly ghosts and faeries that have become a nuisance without the use of iron, or to magically seal a doorway that we have ceremonially opened, such as one of the Four Quarters when an element is evoked.  Because it may also magically bar physical doors and other entrances into the home, I often include the ground spice in my own formula for Protection Potion in order to guard the sovereignty of my residence and my Temple.  Clove buds will also behave as a “catalyst” and bind your spell in Natural Law, which make them effective when fashioning and charging Witch Chord spells, or when sealing and charging a Witch Bottle spell.  An incense may be composed using ground or whole clove buds to not only protect and consecrate your personal Grimoire, but to ensure that any spells that are cast from it will not be misused, and that their effectiveness will hinge upon whether or not they are “for the good of all” involved.

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