Sunday 25 October 2015

Ajoite Crystal

Chakras: Heart (4th), Throat (5th), Third Eye (6th), Crown (7th)

Zodiac: Virgo

Metaphysically, ajoite is regarded as a stone of harmony, peace, and unconditional love. It is said to bring change, growth, and transformation to its wearer by aiding in the release of negative energies from all levels of the wearer's being. This includes release from emotional wounds of the past that the wearer may be hanging onto, as well as any other fear, anger or sorrow he or she may be experiencing in life. It can also include negative thought processes and attitudes such as pride, judgment and jealousy. Negative energies are believed to be replaced by positive energies. It is said to be a terrific aid for those who practice meditation, as well, as it may connect one to the higher self. Ajoite is associated with the heart and throat chakras, so some believe that it facilitates a union between the heart and throat that encourages its wearer to speak the loving and authentic truth that resides in his or her heart. It is also said to cause one's own self worth to flourish, ensuring that any inner dialogue comes from a place of happiness, compassion and self love.

Ajoite is mainly considered to be a major spiritual healing stone, but it may exhibit physical healing properties as well. Crystal healers believe ajoite to be a fountain of youth of sorts, claiming that it rejuvenates the skin and the body and improves eye sight and over all energy level. It is also said to help combat depression by restoring balance to chemicals in the brain, provide benefits to those who struggle with anemia, and help alleviate symptoms of PMS and menopasue in women, by bringing balance to the hormones in the body that are responsible.

Ajoite within a single Quartz crystal

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