Thursday 14 January 2016

Meaning & Symbolism of Aster

With their wildflower beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower.

In ancient times, it was thought that the perfume from their burning leaves could drive away evil serpents. Today, they're known as a talisman of love and a symbol of patience. Also known as starworts, Michaelmas daisies or Frost flowers, the name aster is derived from the Greek word for "star," and its star-like flowers can be found in a rainbow of colors – white, red, pink, purple, lavender and blue, with mostly yellow centers. The September birth flower, asters also hold the honor of being the 20th wedding anniversary flower.

One ancient myth arises from the Iron Age, when people learned to make weapons of iron, the god Jupiter, was angered by all the fighting with these iron weapons that he decided to destroy the entire race by a flood. The gods fled the earth and the last to go, the goddess Astraea, was so saddened that she asked to be turned into a star. When the flood waters receded, all that was left was mud and slime. Astraea felt so sorry for them she wept, her tears falling as stardust which turned to lovely starflowers or asters. 

Another myth comes from Greek mythology. Every year Aegeus, king of Athens, would send seven young men and seven maidens to the king of Crete. There they would be sacrificed to the Minotaur, a creature with a bull's body and human head. One year Aegeus' son Theseus volunteered to be one of the youths, believing he could slay the Minotaur. When he sailed for Crete he told his father, who dearly loved his son, that when he returned he would fly white sails on the ship instead of the black ones that were raised when the ship left. Theseus did arrive at Crete, where he fell in love with the king¹s daughter Ariadne. With her help, he entered the labyrinth and killed the Minotaur. However, on his return to Athens, Theseus forgot to hoist the white sails. Seeing the black sails his father, believing his son had been killed, then killed himself. Purple asters sprang up from the ground where his blood flowed, the result of a spell put on him by sorceress Medea, who had been once been his wife. 

According to the Cherokee Indian legend, two warring tribes, fighting over a choice hunting ground, waged war over a hill, down a valley and into a village. All the villagers were killed except for two sisters who hid in the woods. Both wore doe skin dresses, one dyed lavender-blue with fringe, the other one bright yellow. The sisters sought out the Herb Woman who lived over the mountain in another valley. This woman gathered herbs by day and brewed magic potions by night, a gift given to her by the gods. As the sisters slept that night under the stars, the Herb Woman looked into the future and saw that these little girls would be hunted down by the enemy. So she sprinkled them with a magic brew and covered them with leaves. In the morning there were two flowers where the sisters had been. One was the lavender-blue aster, the fringe from the dress having been turned into the outer flower petals of the aster. The other flower was the yellow goldenrod. 

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