Tuesday 20 September 2016

The Energy Stone - Bloodstone

Bloodstone Gives You Energy.

In ancient times, Bloodstone was often worn as an amulet to help purify the blood. When our blood and energy is flowing smoothly, our life force remains strong and healthy. This crystal is a powerful energizer, helping you to overcome lethargy, negative thoughts and self-doubt. Bloodstone also helps to boost enthusiasm, increase drive and maintain emotional wellbeing.

Turquoise the Healing Stone

Turquoise Helps You Heal.

Turquoise is the master healer. It is believed to be the energetic bridge between heaven and earth. Since ancient times, it’s been highly regarded for its protective and good-luck-charm properties. It’s believed that when Turquoise is given as a gift, its healing properties are magnified by one hundred! Turquoise is a stone of communication that helps you to speak your truth, from the highest source of love.

Monday 19 September 2016

Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It is helpful to clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether it be home, office, car, or other space indoors or out. Family issues caused by negative energies can also be cleared for resolution with citrine. Citrine is also a stone that brings hope. Since citrine eliminates negative energies, it is good for protection in general and helps bring stability energetically.
Citrine also does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings, and thus never needs energetic clearing. 
Because citrine can clear negative energy and influences from the aura, it is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. By removing unwanted energies it paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth. It is also excellent for dream recall and dream work.

Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. It is particularly used to promote success in business if used in the cash box of a shop, carried or worn, earning it another nickname, "Merchant's Stone." In addition to manifesting abundance, citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared.
Citrine is a solar plexus chakra  stone used metaphysically to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. This increased personal power can be used for the focused intent of the individual, as it brings will power as well.
Citrine is a joyful stone with bright energy which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. It has energies of good fortune and good luck, though these may appear in unexpected ways.

A lovely little caged gemstone reminds me of a fossilezed  tear, so delicate

Dimensions of Citrine stone 22mm x 18mm


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store


U.K Royal Mail First Class £1.50

European Airmail £5.00

U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Tigers Eye Wand Crystal Pendant

Beautiful Tigers Eye crystal wand pendant on 24 inch wax leather cord necklace with lobster fastening


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store


Tigers eye crystal wand point measurements 3 cms ( 30mm )

Tigers Eye crystal is a stone of protection that is good for grounding. It enhances integrity, willpower, and self confidence. It brings good luck and prosperity, tigers eye is also a good stone to wear when travelling, also helps one to see clearly without illusion. Tigers Eye also brings a special boost to the solar plexus chakra and to one's own personal power

Red Jasper Crystal Angel Pendant

Lovely Red Jasper crystal angel pendant on 24 inch wax leather cord necklace with lobster fastening

Angel crystal measurements 25mm x 19mm


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store


Red jasper gives one the ability to speak out and have personal independence, red jasper is thought to help balance the energy in the body, helping to ease emotional stress and return the body to its proper balance and stability.

U.K Royal Mail First Class £1.50

European Airmail £5.00

U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Angel Lapis Lazuli Pendant

Angel Lapis Lazuli Pendant on 24 inch Black Wax Leather Cord Necklace

Measurements  of Lapis Angel 25mm x 19mm


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store


Lapis Lazuli is a powerful crystal for activating the higher mind and enhancing intellectual  ability. It stimulates the desire for knowledge, truth and understanding and aids the power of learning and is excellent for enhancing memory.

As a protection stone Lapis Lazuli recognises psychic attack and blocks it, returning the energy back to its source.

U.K Royal Mail First Class £1.50

European Airmail £5.00

U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Fixed Wand Amethyst Crystal Pendant

Beautiful fixed wand Amethyst Crystal pendant on a black wax leather cord necklace

Size of crystal wand is 34mm


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Shop


Amethyst is a meditative and calming stone which works in the emotional, spiritual, and physical planes to promote calm, balance, and peace. It is also used to eliminate impatience.
Amethyst is used as beneficial when dealing with legal problems and money issues, which can lead to prosperity and abundance, though it is not the best known prosperity stone.
In the psychic and spiritual realms, amethyst is an excellent all-purpose stone that can increase spirituality and enhance intuition and psychic powers of all kinds. It does this by making a clear connection between the earth plane and other planes and worlds. Amethyst is also excellent for meditation and lucid dreaming. It is used to open one's channels to telepathy, past life regression, clairaudience, clairvoyance, and communication with angels. Amethyst also protects against psychic attacks, especially during spiritual work.
Amethyst is not only a psychic protection stone, but is also used to protect one from thieves, and to protects travelers.
Emotionally, amethyst is used in crystal healing  to help heal personal losses and grief, bringing one gently past. Amethyst has a gently sedative energy that ca promote peacefulness, happiness, and contentment. It also is said to bring emotional stability and inner strength. This stability and strength not only helps one hold firm in one's life, but it can enhance flexibility and cooperation. To be flexible at need is a sure sign of strength.
Amethyst is very well known -- as from the ancients -- as a sobriety stone. It has been used for millenia to prevent drunkenness, and is used to assist in getting rid of addictions to alcohol, drugs, smoking, etc, and destructive compulsive behaviors of all kinds.

Postage Rates

U.K First Class £1.50

European Airmail £5.00

U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Saturday 17 September 2016

Welsh Slate Hand Made Wired Wrapped Earth Pendant

Beautiful Earth Welsh Slate Pendant On 24 Inch Black Wax Cord Necklace

Connect with the element of the Earth with this beautiful hand made wired wrapped Pendant

Dimensions of slate 55mm x 33mm


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store


U.K Royal Mail First Class £1.50
European Airmail £5.00
U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Welsh Slate Crafting Supplies for Jewellery Making

Crafting Supplies

Ten beautiful pieces of Welsh slate for crafting into Jewellery or any other projects you desire, dimensions of pieces varies from 45mm x 25mm and 65mm x 30mm, see our store for other crafting supplies


Available from The Enchanted Forest Online Store Below


Welsh slate has been used and crafted by many generations of people from all walks of life from the Iron Age to present day.

The earliest records of slate used in North Wales are from the Roman fort at Seqontium Caernarfon circa 77AD.

Postage Rates

U.K First Class £1.50
European Airmail £5.00
U.S.A, Canada and Australia £5.50

Wednesday 3 August 2016

Peaceful Dreams Spell

This spell can help promote a more restful sleep and pleasant dreams. An ideal magickal option if you're under stress and can't sleep. This is what you need:

• 1 tsp coarse salt
• 1/2 oz rosemary
• 1 oz rose petals
• 1 oz valerian
• 3 pieces of moonstone
• Glass bowl

Before bed, fill the bowl with water then add the salt and herbs. Stir it around gently, and repeat the following:

Bring me quiet
Bring me peace
Ease my dreams
Nightmares cease

Drop the 3 moonstones into the bowl, and place it near your bed. Go to sleep and let the bowl absorb any negative energy

New Moon Psychic Bath Ritual

This relaxing bath will help bring out your natural psychic abilities, and connect with the energies of the moon. Try to perform this spell during the phase of the new moon if you can. You need:

• 1 cup coarse sea salt
• 1/2 cup baking soda
• 1/4 cup vervain
• 1/4 cup jasmine flowers
• 7 drops cypress oil

In a bowl, mix together everything but the oil. Pour it into a tub full of hot bathwater, then add the drops of oil to the bath too. Get in the tub, and just soak. Careful getting in though, the sea salt will be a bit rough under foot. Let your thoughts float and open up your mind to new ideas and experiences.

The Element of Water

Water is a cleansing, healing, psychic, and loving element. It is the feeling of friendship and love that pours over us when we are with our family, friends and loved ones. When we swim it is water that supports us, when we are thirsty, it is water the quenches our thirst, another manifestation of this element is the rainstorms that drench us, or the dew formed on plants after the sun has set.

The power of the energy of Water, can be felt by tasting pure spring water, moving you hand through a stream, lake, pool, or bowl full of water. You can feel its cool liquidity; it's soft and loving touch, this motion and fluidity is the quality of Air within Water. This Water energy is also contained within ourselves, our bodies being mostly composed of Water.

As well as being vital for life, within the energy of this element is contained the essence of love. Love is the underlying reason for all magic. Water is love.

Water is a feminine element, it also the element of emotion and subconscious, of purification, intuition, mysteries of the self, compassion and family. It is psychic ability; water can be used as a means of scrying or as an object for meditation. Water is important in spells and rituals of friendship, marriage, happiness, fertility, healing, pleasure, psychic abilities and spells involving mirrors.


DIRECTION: West - the place of the setting sun.
TYPE OF ENERGY: Receptive.
BASIC NATURE: Flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving.
COLOUR: Blue - from the hue of deep water
PLACES: Lakes, springs, streams, rivers, beaches, oceans, wells, swimming pools, bathtubs, showers, bedrooms (for sleep), health spas, steam rooms, fountains.
RITUALS: Purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage, friendships.
RITUAL FORMS: Dilution, placing into water, washing away, bathing.
HERBS: Aquatic, such as water lilies and seaweed; fleshy, as in succulents and lettuce; loving, as in rose and gardenia; generally flowers.
STONES: Transparent or translucent, as in amethyst and aquamarine; blue, as in blue tourmaline.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Cymbal, bell, all resonant metals.
CREATURES: Cat, frog, turtle, dolphin, whale, otter, seal, dugong; most fish and shellfish.
SEASON: Autumn - the time of harvest.
TIME: Dusk.
MAGICKAL TOOL: Cup, the cauldron.
SENSE: Taste.
NATURAL SYMBOLS: Shells, a cup of water.
TYPES OF MAGICK RULES: Sea, ice, snow, fog, mirror, magnet.
GODDESSES: Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat, Yemaya.
GODS: Dylan, Ea, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.

Water is cool and wet and rules the emotions. Its chief characteristic is that of contraction. Look at how your hair looks wet compared to when it is dry and you will begin to understand this aspect of water. Notice how water flows and undulates. It is good to use water if you are feeling irritable or angry. Feel the soothing, comforting power of water as it fills you. Become one with the element and concentrate on soothing the burning in your stomach. After a short while the pain will lessen and go away. When the pain goes, you are left with a pleasant refreshing feeling. You can also use this element for the elimination of other minor pain such as muscle soreness. Experiment more for yourself.

The elemental energy in water spells is used for magick involving love, friendship, mystery, psychic abilities, healing, dreams and sleep. You'll want to add some water elements for any magick that has to do with your emotions or the astral world beyond. So if you're looking to cast a water spell, here are some of the things you could use:

Stones like moonstone, aquamarine, jade or malachite
Altar tools like a chalice or cup
Oils and herbs such as valerian, jasmine or gardenia
Though drinking is a common part of water magick, ritual baths are another great way to bring in some water energy to your spells.

Hawthorn Berries

Hawthorn berries have a long and interesting place in legends and folklore. The berries come from a tree that is considered the most sacred in Ireland and Wales. The Gaelic considered the hawthorn tree to be the entrance to the otherworld. Hawthorn is often associated with fairies and luck. The Crown of Thorns worn by Jesus was believed to be created by hawthorn berries. There have also been many studies done on hawthorn berries that show very positive health benefits. Hawthorn berries are primarily associated with the heart chakra.

Hawthorn berries are protective , especially to the Hearth and Home. A tea brewed from them can be sprinkled around the home to Shield the Premises from Evil, or it may be Drunk for Personal Protection. The berries can also be kept in the living room in a potpourri dish with other protective herbs to help assure that evil people do not enter.

Other Names
Crataegus laevigata, Hazels, Whitethorn, May Tree, Gazels, Halves, Ladies Meat, Quickset, Bread-and-Cheese Tree, Haw, Albesyne, Hagedorn, Quick, Hedgethorn, Fairy Bush, May Bush, May blossom, May Flower, Thorn, Hag Thorn, Tree of Chastity

People with a heart condition or who are taking heart medication should consult with their doctor before beginning a hawthorn berry regimen. Do not use hawthorn berries if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Do not use hawthorn berries if you have ulcers. Large doses of hawthorn berries may cause dizziness.

10 Surprising Witch Hazel Uses

1. Swollen Eyes – dab a little Witch Hazel on cotton balls and  place them on your closed eyes for 10 minutes.

2. Itching – to reduce itching from poison ivy, chicken pox insect bites, psoriasis, eczema and even an itchy scalp. Apply witch hazel to the areas.

3. Swelling – to reduce, apply witch hazel topically to the area.

4. Burns – to soothe, gently dab on burns to help reduce pain and prevent peeling (ex. sun burn, cooking burns).

5. Diaper Rash – use a cotton ball to dab on their bottoms to relieve pain and heal the rash.

6. Hemorrhoid Treatment – dab on external hemorrhoids to tighten the skin and reduce itching.

7. Bruises – apply to bruises a few times a day to speed up healing time.

8. Acne and Blemishes – gently dab on problem area to reduce inflammation. Can be used daily to control breakouts.

9. Cuts – to clean, dab on small cuts to reduce the risk of infection and speed up the healing.

10. Varicose Veins – to tighten the veins and reduce pain and selling wrap legs in clothes soaked in Witch Hazel.

RoseHips And Green Tea

1-2 cups good quality water
1 green tea bag (organic if available)
1 lemon, squeezed (organic if possible, seeds removed)
2 Tbsp organic Rosehips
1-2 pinches of cayenne
1-4 tsp maple syrup

Boil water.
Add tea bag and Rosehips to a cup (or a glass canning jar with lid)
Cover with boiling water.
Press the tea bag and Rosehips and let steep for  8-10 minutes.
Squeeze the lemon and juice into the cup.
Stir in the maple syrup.
Add cayenne powder.

Elderberry and Spice Tea Blend

Elderberry Tea Ingredients
2 cups water
2 tablespoons elderberry syrup or one heaping tablespoon of dried berries (or to taste)
1 cinnamon stick
2 cardamom pods
2 whole cloves

Elderberry Tea Steps

Place all ingredients except for honey in a sauce pan.
Bring mixture to simmer and allow to simmer for at least 30 minutes.
Strain through strainer into tea cup
Sweeten with honey or other sweetener if you wish. The syrup is slightly sweet already so this drink really doesn’t need much more sweetener.

Ginger and Turmeric Herbal Tea Blend

Drinking immune building teas on a daily basis is a good idea throughout the winter season. Ginger is well known for its anti-nausea and ability to help with motion sickness and digestive difficulties. But, did you know that it is also an anti-inflammatory and preventative for flus and colds? It’s because the ginger makes you sweat a healthy type of sweat, and according to The World’s Healthiest Foods, “that sweat contains a potent germ-fighting agent that may help fight off infections.”
Turmeric, on the other hand, is well-known to have anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties. It is also used to boost immunity and that is why it is a part of this herbal tea blend. In the on-line article, Turmeric Powder – Health Benefits, Uses & Side Effects, Dr. Andrew Weil is quoted as saying, “Drinking turmeric tea daily may well increase your life span.”


Serves 2

2-3 cups water
1 teaspoon powdered ginger
1 teaspoon powdered turmeric
one lemon, juiced

Boil 2- 3 cups of water.
Remove pan from burner and add 1 teaspoon each of powdered Ginger and powdered Turmeric. Stir, cover and let sit for 10-15 minutes.
In the meantime, juice one lemon and split between the two cups.
When the tea is ready, pour in both cups, and enjoy.

*Contraindications of Ginger and Turmeric: Use with caution if you are pregnant and interactions can occur with some medications. Consult your doctor first before using.

Monday 1 August 2016

The Colour Meaning of Silver

Silver represents the feminine traits of intuition, compassion and mystery. Silver is associated with the Moon and Moon energy. Because of its strong associations with the Moon it is used in Magic rituals and Spell work, particularly around the full moon phase. Silver draws negative energy from the body and replaces it with vibrant, positive energy. People who are drawn to the colour silver are usually very intuitive, psychic and extremely compassionate. Silver is a very healing colour and promotes self healing and thus spiritual growth.

Silver Colour Meaning

The colour silver represents intuition, imagination and illusion. The traditional silver colour meaning is that of moon energy. The meaning of silver is also associated with mystery, femininity and female power.

The colour silver is often seen as a sophisticated colour and along with gold it represents wealth and riches. Gold is warm and is associated with the sun and masculine energy whereas silver is the opposite being cool, linked with the moon and female energy.

Silver Colour Meaning in Healing

Silver is an incredibly spiritual precious metal containing healing and health boosting energies.
It gives a sense of balance and helps with mental, emotional and physical releasing and cleansing.
In colour therapy and colour healing silver is used to help traditional women's problems such as painful periods, gynaecological ailments, hormonal imbalances and breast tenderness

Silver Colour Meaning in Magic and Correspondences

Silver has a fantastic magical energy with the ability to energise Crystals. It has strong associations with the Moon and is used in Magic rituals and Spell work particularly around the full moon phase.
Silver is connected with the Element of Water, the direction West, the zodiac sign of Cancer and the Moon. Silver is also connected to the Moon Tarot Card.

Magical purposes for use in rituals and Spell work associated with Silver are for increased intuition and inspiration.

Silver Crystals such as Moonstone are used for fertility and all things connected to the feminine.
Using silver candles and silver coins can assist any Magic Spells that involve inspiration, purification and wealth manifestation.

If you want to increase your wealth use a silver coin to inscribe the amount you need onto a silver candle. Light the candle, watch the flame and concentrate on your desire for increased wealth. Keep the silver coin and do not spend it.

Enhancing your Life with the Colour Silver

Using silver for clothing, decorating your home or in jewellery will help you attract calming and balancing elements into life.

Silver is thought to be incredibly attracting of increased intuition and inspiration and you should wear something in this colour when wanting to get to the truth in situations.
If you are craving a need for truth, honesty and a clearer understanding of your purpose in life then include more of the colour silver into your life.

Choosing Silver as your Colour

Choosing silver as a your colour indicates that you are very intuitive and can sense the good or bad intentions of people. You have a deep understanding and connection to spiritual matters and are very psychic yourself. You have a great deal of patience and perseverance and will take on any cause that you think is worthwhile and give it your all.

Lemon Balm Magic

Lemon Balm’s presence is quiet and strong. Running through the soil like her minty cousins, she spreads just under the surface with steady, clear intention. In this way, she reminds us  good cheer and sunny confidence will proliferate even when we’re not aware of their presence on the surface of our lives. Lemon Balm magic is the magic of quiet, steady trust.

Lemon Balm’s effect on honeybees, attracting them and encouraging them to remain in their hives, reminds us to nurture our homes, our friends and family, our communities. Through the simple act of contributing to our household, we nurture ourselves. In this way, Lemon Balm asks us to seek joy and peace in the mundane tasks of life as a way of self-nurturing.

Thriving in both sun and shade, soils of a wide pH, dry and damp conditions, Lemon Balm teaches versatility, particularly in how we grow. If Lemon Balm has popped up in your life, it may be time to ask yourself what conditions are present in your life that you must embrace to thrive. Has a challenge surfaced that you resist? Have you identified an aspect of your life that feels unbearable, burdensome, like a whole lotta work? Lemon Balm can help you identify the trouble and find ways to adapt and thrive amidst it, or maybe in spite of it.

Lemon Balm magic is the magic of steady, calm, persistent, good cheer.

In Astrology, Lemon Balm is considered a feminine plant and is governed by the Moon. Lemon Balm’s element is water. In Ayruvedic medicine, Lemon Balm’s energy is pungent, sour-sweet, cool, and wet.

Lugh in Myth

The god Lugh was worshipped in Ireland as a deity of the sun. This connection with the sun may explain his name (it means "shining one"), and it also may account for the attributes that he displayed: he was handsome, perpetually youthful, and had a tremendous energy and vitality. This energy manifests itself especially in the number of skills he had, according to legend, mastered. In fact, there was a tale that related Lugh's myriad abilities at arts and crafts.

As told in the Battle of Magh Tuiredh, the god travelled to Tara, and arrived during a tremendous feast for the royal court. Lugh was greeted at the door by the keeper of the gate, and was immediately asked what talent he had - for it was a tradition there that only those who had a special or unique ability could enter the palace. The god offered his reply: "I am a wright". In response, the gate keeper said: "We already have a wright. Your services are not needed here". Still, Lugh, not to be so easily dismissed, continued: "I am a smith". Again, the guard retorted that the court had a smith that was quite adequate; but the god was not to be dissuaded. In short order, he noted that he was also a champion, a harper, a hero, a poet, an historian, a sorcerer, and a craftsman. To this list, the gate keeper merely nodded his head, and stated matter of factly that all of these various trades were represented in the court by other members of the Tuatha de Danaan. "Ah, but you do have an individual who possesses all of these skills simultaneously?", was Lugh's clever and inspired reply. The guard was forced to admit his defeat, and so Lugh was allowed to enter and join the festivities.

According to Celtic mythology, Lugh was the son of Cian and Ethlinn. After the god Nuada was killed in the Second Battle of Magh Tuiredh, Lugh became the leader of the Tuatha De Danaan (the term for the gods and goddesses who descended from the goddess Danu). 

Obsidian Gemstone meaning

With its glassy luster, obsidian is a distinctive stone. Obsidian is formed as lava from volcanic eruptions cools within the earth. The speed at which it cools prevents crystallization and the rock forms as solid volcanic glass.

Although its most common color is black, obsidian can also be found in light brown, brown mottled with black, and black with a beautiful golden or silvery sheen. Snowflake obsidian is dotted with white patches where parts of the rock have begun to crystallize. The most prized obsidian by gemologists is the rainbow obsidian variety with purple, green and gold bands of sheen.

Obsidian was revered by ancient cultures. It was one of the major barter materials, and prized for its ability to be worked to razor-sharp edges for arrows and spears. It has been used since prehistoric times for making tools, masks, weapons, mirrors and jewelry.

Healing properties of Obsidian

Obsidian helps to protect the very sensitive against depression. It is the stone of the soft hearted and gentle people of the world. Use obsidian to help block negativity of any kind. As a black gemstone, it symbolizes self control and resilience. Black stones have protective energies in the sense that black is the absence of light, and therefore, can be used to create invisibility.

Sources of Obsidian

Obsidian can be found anywhere that volcanic activity has occurred. Some of its important sources today are South America, Japan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and parts of the United States. The San Carlos Apache Reservation in Arizona, United States, produces an interesting banded variety of obsidian known as "Apache Tears".

The Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea

The Lemon Balm plant is very beneficial and has many useful purposes, and Lemon Balm Tea is a delightful way to experience some of these benefits. When you make tea from loose lemon balm leaves, you can then experience some of the ways in which this remarkable plant can help you. Let’s take a look at seven of the ways in which lemon balm tea can be of assistance.

1. If you have insomnia, you will find that lemon balm tea has a calming effect on the system. It can help you in getting a better night’s sleep. The herb, Valerian, can also be added to Lemon Balm Tea to help even further in creating a calming environment.

2. Lemon Balm Tea is useful for when you have a fever due to colds or the flu. It helps to bring on perspiration, which, in turn, will help your fever.

3. If you are feeling depressed, a cup of Lemon Balm Tea may be of help. It has been known to lighten the mood and help with alleviating sadness. Lemon Balm Tea is also beneficial for helping to relieve tension and stress, and in today’s hectic times, who couldn’t benefit from that.

4. You can also use Lemon Balm Tea if you have nerve pain.

5. Lemon Balm Tea can also be soothing to an upset or nervous stomach. It can be taken occasionally throughout the day for maximum benefits.

6. Lemon Balm Tea can be beneficial in improving memory and other functions of the brain.Herbal Oil

7. Lemon Balm has also been used to treat other ailments, such as flatulence, asthma, headaches and toothaches.

You may want to use a little bit of honey as a sweetener in your tea. Lemon Balm is also available in other forms, such as capsules, extracts, tinctures and oils. But the tea is the easiest and best way to experience Lemon Balm.

If you are taking medication for hyperthyroidism, you should check with your doctor before taking Lemon Balm Tea, as it can interact with medication for that condition. You should also check with your doctor if you are taking sedatives, or are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Lemon Balm Tea is a very beneficial and tasty product and can help with a number of ailments. If you would like to experience some of the wonderful benefits of this product, try some Lemon Balm Tea for yourself.

Sunday 31 July 2016


Keywords: Success, Abundance, Personal Power

Citrine is a joyful stone with bright energy which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. It has energies of good fortune and good luck, though these may appear in unexpected ways.

Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. It is particularly used to promote success in business if used in the cash box of a shop, carried or worn, earning it another nickname, "Merchant's Stone." In addition to manifesting abundance,

citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared.

Citrine is a solar plexus chakra  stone used metaphysically to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. This increased personal power can be used for the focused intent of the individual, as it brings will power as well.

Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It is helpful to clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether it be home, office, car, or other space indoors or out. Family issues caused by negative energies can also be cleared for resolution with citrine. Citrine is also a stone that brings hope. Since citrine eliminates negative energies, it is good for protection in general and helps bring stability energetically.
Citrine also does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings, and thus never needs energetic clearing.

Because citrine can clear negative energy and influences from the aura, it is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. By removing unwanted energies it paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth. It is also excellent for dream recall and dream work.

In the mental arena, citrine enhances mental clarity, confidence, and will power. The mental clarity and confidence support bringing increased creativity and honesty.

Since citrine brings self-confidence as well as positive energy, it can also help eliminate fears of being judged or of others' ideas. It is also used to dissipate fear of being alone or unworthy of love.
Citrine is a happy stone. It can bring happiness to the person who carries or wears it. Because of its removal of negative energy and its own bring positivity, it can relieve depression, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings.

Citrine is used to reduce self-destructive tendencies.  Citrine can help overcome emotional traumas and grief that may lead to these emotionally self-destructive issues.

In crystal healing and healing folklore, citrine is said to be beneficial for the digestion, stomach, nightmares, other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia. Citrine is also reputed to be good for removing toxins, and overcoming addictions.

Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by citrine making it a stone of positive choice for sexual issues.

Monday 18 July 2016

Anise Essential Oil Benefits

Since ancient times, anise has been in use as a spice and flavoring agent for food stuffs and beverages. It is also employed to flavor liquors. In India and certain other countries, anise is also used as a mouth freshener and digestive agent. The medicinal properties of this herb were known long ago in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The essential oil of anise is extracted by steam distillation of dried fruits of anise, or Pimpinella Anisum, as it is known in botanical terminology, which yields a thin and clear oil of which Anethol is the prime constituent, consisting of about 90 percent of it and is also responsible for its characteristic aroma. The other constituents are alpha pinene, anisaldehyde, beta pinene, camphene, linalool, cis & trans-anethol, safrol, and acetoanisol.

Antirheumatic: This oil can give relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains by stimulating blood circulation, and by reducing the sensation of pain in the affected areas.

Antiseptic: This essential oil also has antiseptic properties and give wounds an effective protective layer against infections and sepsis. This aids in the faster healing of wounds.

Antispasmodic: Situations or ailments caused by spasms are cramps, coughs, aches, diarrhea, nervous afflictions and convulsions. Spasms are an excessive contraction of the respiratory tracts, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and internal organs that result in severe coughs, cramps, convulsions, obstructed blood circulations, aches in the stomach and chest and other symptoms. The essential oil of anise, being a relaxant and an anti-spasmodic by nature, relax these contractions and give relief from the ailments mentioned above.

Aperient: This oil has mild purgative properties, but is safe to use. Unlike other synthetic or harsh purgatives, it is not hard on the stomach and liver and does not leave you exhausted and fatigued. When taken in low dosages, it helps clear motions and cures constipation, resultant flatulence, and indigestion.

Carminative: Only those who are suffering from gas know what a relief it is to get rid of it. Gas is not funny at all. It is a very serious ailment and must be treated in a timely manner. It gives rise to indigestion, flatulence, acute chest pain, stomach aches, muscular cramps and pains, rheumatism in the long run, heaviness, hypertension and even problems like hair loss and reduction of eyesight, if it becomes chronic. Anise essential oil promotes the removal of gases and as a digestive, it does not let it form, as indigestion is the cause of excess gas.

Cordial: The warming effect of this oil on the respiratory and the circulatory systems makes it a cordial. This property helps counter colds, the deposition of phlegm, and problems like rheumatism and arthritis.

Decongestant: This oil of anise is very effective in clearing congestion in the lungs and the respiratory tracts for conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

Digestive: This property of anise and anise essential oil is very commonly used to promote digestion. It has been an old practice to chew Anise seeds, to serve desserts containing Anise, or to have a glass of warm water with few drops of anise essential oil in it to aid digestion, especially after a heavy meal or a feast.

Expectorant: This oil is really remarkable as an expectorant and this property earned it an impressive reputation. It loosens mucus or phlegm deposited in the lungs and respiratory tracts and gives relief from cough, heaviness in the chest, breathing troubles, asthma, bronchitis, congestion and other respiratory disorders. Due to the presence of this essential oil in the seeds, the seeds are used for smoking to loosen catarrh or phlegm.

Insecticide: The essential oil of anise is toxic to insects and smaller animals, therefore its smell keeps insects away. For this reason, this oil can be employed to drive away insects by using it in fumigants, vaporizers, and sprays.

Sedative: Due to its somewhat narcotic or numbing effects, it is used as a sedative for anxiety, nervous afflictions, depression, anger, and stress as well as for symptoms such as insomnia due to its tranquilizing and relaxing effects. This effect is particularly visible when it is used in higher dosages, since in very small doses, it acts as a stimulant. However, the utmost care should be taken while administering it in heavy doses, keeping in view its narcotic effects.

Stimulant: The stimulating property of anise essential oil can benefit us in the following ways. It can stimulate circulation and give relief from rheumatism and arthritis, stimulate secretion of enzymes and hormones, thus boosting the whole metabolism and finally, it can stimulate the nervous system and the brain to make us more active and alert.

Vermifuge: This is yet another aspect of its insecticidal property. It can kill worms found in the intestines. This property can be particularly beneficial for children, as they are most commonly afflicted with intestinal worms.

A Few Words of Caution:

 In heavy doses, it has narcotic effects and slows down respiration and circulation. It is poisonous to certain small animals and birds and therefore children should not be given high doses. Furthermore, it may cause irritation to certain skin types. It is best to avoid it during pregnancy. It may also aggravate certain types of cancers caused due to its effect on the estrogen hormone.

Saturday 16 July 2016

The Benefits of Argan Oil

Here are 10 of the ways that you can incorporate this anti-aging, moisturizing, and all-natural oil into your daily beauty regimen.

 1. Nighttime Moisturizer

Argan oil absorbs quickly, and does Nighttime Oil Treatmentnot leave an oily residue. After cleansing your skin with an all-natural cleanser, pour a single drop into your palm to warm. Apply in a circular motion to your face and neck.

In the winter months, or in dryer climates, you may need a second drop; but remember to use sparingly. This oil is gentle, and safe to use around your eyes.

Apply one drop to your face, using a tapping motion, from the bridge of your nose to your temple, and back again. Then apply a drop beneath your eyes with the same gentle tapping. The vitamin A and vitamin E can help to reduce fine wrinkles and keep this delicate area moisturized.

2. Skin Toner

Skin toning is an important step in your skin care routine. For an all-over glow, add 2-4 drops to 8 ounces of your favorite toner, or better yet, make your own chemical free, all natural toner at home!
Simply pour one cup of boiling water over a green tea bag and let steep for 7-10 minutes. Remove the tea bag and allow to come to room temperature. Add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil (orange, lemon or tea tree are great), and 2-4 drops of argan oil, and seal in a jar. Use morning and night after cleansing, and before moisturizing.

3. Exfoliating

Do-it-yourself exfoliators are not difficult to make, and are significantly less expensive than what you can purchase in the store, plus when you add argan oil, you get all the anti-aging effects too!

To experience the argan oil benefits while exfoliating, just mix 1 tablespoon of brown sugar with a couple of drops of argan oil in your hand. Rub into your face in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes; pay special attention to acne prone areas and areas that are dry. Rinse with warm water, and pat dry.

Regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while giving you a younger fresher complexion. With the aid of the brown sugar, the argan oil’s nutrients are more readily absorbed into your skin.

Use this exfoliator for more than just your face! If you have dry elbows or heels (or during an at-home pedicure) mix up a bit more to massage the dry and dead skin away!

4. Acne

Chemical creams can be expensive, and in the long run truly do more harm than good. Argan oil’s high linoleic acid content helps to reduce inflammation caused by acne, (not to mention rashes, infections and bug bites) while helping heal damaged skin cells.

If you are using argan oil as your moisturizer, but are still fighting acne, place a drop in the palm of your hand and lightly dab a bit extra into problem areas. To fight stubborn or persistent white heads, be sure to make the toner above, using a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil compliments the argan oil benefits beautifully with its rich content of anti-oxidants and its inherent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Together, they can help fight stubborn acne while reducing the inflammation, and scarring.

5. Stretch Marks

Argan oil can help prevent stretch marks by improving the elasticity of the skin. Warm 2-3 drops of pure argan oil in the palm of your hands and gently rub your stomach, hips, thighs or any other potential problem areas.

The vitamin A and vitamin E will help to rejuvenate the skin while moisturizing, making stretch marks less likely to form. If you already have a stretch mark or two, start by massaging argan oil and brown sugar into the affected areas before your next bath. Rinse well and apply the oil to the affected areas prior to dressing.

6. Razor Bumps and BurnSmooth Legs

Razor bumps and razor burn are uncomfortable and unsightly. Argan oil is an effective treatment to soothe and heal for men after shaving, as well as women for their legs and bikini line.
Warm a drop or two of the oil in your hands and lightly massage into the affected area. The healing power of the oil will astound you.

7. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling Long Healthy Hair

Argan oil is not only beneficial to skin – it is also great for hair. This non-greasy oil makes for the perfect leave-in conditioner that makes your hair easier to style while repairing those pesky split ends! Argan oil helps to tame frizz and fly-aways, protect against the heat of hair dryers, curlers and flat irons, all the while promoting body, and a healthy shine.

There is some research that indicates argan oil can even promote hair growth, so be sure to rub it in to your scalp too. Depending on the thickness, texture, condition, and length of your hair, you may need anywhere from 1 drop to 3 drops.

Getting the right amount may take some practice.  Start with a drop (or for short hair ½ drop may do) and warm in your palms before raking your fingers through your hair, paying special attention to your ends. Once complete, add ½ drop to your fingertips and massage into your scalp. Rub any excess into your face, neck or hands.

8. Overnight Deep Conditioning Treatment

If you have dry, brittle hair, once a week do an overnight deep conditioning treatment with argan oil.
Warm 4-10 drops in your hands before massaging into your scalp. Continue applying all the way to the ends, twist, and place a shower cap on top. Your natural body heat retained in the shower cap will help the oil to penetrate, while keeping your pillowcase free of oil. In the morning, wash your hair as normal, rinsing until all residue is gone.

If you have dandruff or dry scalp, do an overnight treatment twice per week until dandruff is gone. Continue on with weekly treatments, or as needed.

9. Lip Conditioner

Argan oil benefits more than just your skin and hair; it makes for a wonderful lip treatment or chap stick substitute! Rub in 1-2 drops, and wipe away any excess.
This will not only heal any cracked lips, but also keep your lips soft, smooth and conditioned. Keep argan oil around in winter-time to prevent chapped lips.

10. Nails

Dot a fraction of a drop directly onto each nail, one at a time, and rub into the nail bed and cuticle. Leave on until all nails have been treated.

Wash and rinse thoroughly and then apply polish as desired. The oil will help to condition your nails, but also help keep your cuticles moisturized so you don’t develop painful hangnails.

Monday 18 January 2016

Help Clean The Air In Your Home With The Peace Lily

The Peace Lily is a beautiful plant and one that can improve your indoor air quality by as much as 60 percent. It helps to reduce the levels of mold spores that grow in the home by absorbing those spores through its leaves and them circulating them to the plant’s roots where they are used as food. In bathrooms, the Peace Lily can help to keep shower tiles and curtains free from mildew and the plant can absorb harmful vapors from alcohol and acetone.

Peace lilies get their name from the white leaf at the top that resembles a white flag waving in surrender. They remind us to let go of the stress that can build up in our day when the pressures of jobs and family mount. Peace lilies are great for offices to create a sense of calm during a hectic day or in bedrooms to provide a sense of tranquility and restful sleep. As a gift, peace lilies are a sign of good will. Their glossy spiked leaves speed of the flow of good energy in your home, particularly in narrow hallways or small doorways.

The Peace Lily Plant or Spathiphyllum first came to Europe in 1824 when it was found by Gustav Wallis in the Colombian jungle. Wallis is remembered for his discovery in the Peace Lily's latin name of S. Wallis. Along with the lush foliage, it's a cheap plant to buy, simple to care for with easy to follow care instructions .

Peace lilies love shade and some indirect light. A spot 5-7 feet away from a south- or west-facing window will often provide the right mix. Yellowing leaves, brown spots or streaks may mean that your plant is getting too much light, so try moving the plant a little further from the window or experiment with a new, less sunny location. Peace lilies can sometimes even do well under a fluorescent light without any sunlight at all! If you move your plant into a shadier location and its leaves are still brown, it may need a bit of misting on the leaves.

Peace lilies like a consistent temperature between about 65 and 80 degrees F. Protect your plant from drafts and cold or drastic changes in temperature.

Spring and summer, use an organic fertilizer to help your plant bloom. Organic options are best.

Peace lilies like to be watered a lot at once, but also need a chance to dry out afterward. The plant will droop a bit when thirsty, telling you when it needs a drink! If you pay attention to when it usually starts to sag,  you can plan to water one day before it generally happens. Watering about once a week and spritzing leaves with water throughout the summer will help keep your peace lily hydrated. If your plant seems to completely droop, don’t give up: water and spritz and give it a chance to revive. If your water is chlorine-heavy, let a container of water stand overnight before watering the plant.

Peace lilies are susceptible to root rot, so it’s very important to make sure the plant has a chance to dry out between waterings and that the container it lives in drains well. If your peace lily starts to wilt, check the roots to make sure they are firm and light-colored rather than soggy.

When your plant’s roots show or your peace lily seems to be drinking up all its water within a few days, re-pot into a larger container. Your plant may need to be gradually moved into larger and larger containers, but generally peace lilies won’t need to go into a pot larger than 10 inches.

Expect your peace lily to show off its familiar white blooms in the spring. The plant is mildly toxic to animals and humans, so keep away from small children and your pets, and wash your hands after handling your plant as it produces crystals that can irritate skin. Follow these peace lily care tips and, with some experimentation, your peace lily should bring beauty to your house for years to come!

Friday 15 January 2016

Angelica Essential Oil

Angelica essential oil comes from the roots of the Angelica archangelica (Archangelica officinalis) plant. It has a herby, spicy scent and is a base note oil.

In Germany, angelica was historically referred to as the “oil of angels,” in part because of its ability to calm anxiety, restore happy memories, and bring peaceful sleep. Traditional medicine practitioners used angelica as a stimulant, digestive tonic, and expectorant.

There are two angelica essential oils, one distilled from the seeds, one from the roots. Sometimes they are combined. As an essence, angelica has been distilled only recently in Europe. At first it is colourless, but with age it turns yellow and then dark brown. It must not be used when dark brown. It is quite thick, but still fluid. The seeds contain more essential oil than the roots, but the root oil is much stronger and more concentrated. The seeds are dependent on the variety but include angelic acid, sugar, valeric acid, volatile oil, bitter principle and a resin called angelicin. The angelica essential oil is extracted from the roots when the plant is approximately one year old.

Origin of angelica oil

The plant is said to originate from Africa and was introduced to Europe in the 16th century. It is considered a native plant of northern and eastern Europe, as well as parts of Asia and the Soviet Union, and is found in Scotland, Holland, Lapland and Germany.

It is called Angelica, since it normally flowers on the 8th May, which is St Michael the Archangel's Day, and for this reason it is often planted in monasteries and is referred to as "Angel Grass".

This herb is included in the famous Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueur. When the Black Plague swept Europe, the herb was considered an antidote for it, and "Angelica Water" was taken up in a Royal Prescription and published by the College of Physicians when the plague swept London in 1665. It is also used to flavor gin, perfumes, and traditionally candied for cake decoration and confectionery.

It is a rather large, water-loving herb, with broad pointed leaves dividing into smaller leaflets and has small white-green flowers. It has a strong aromatic scent and a large rhizome.

This oil is great for giving your constitution a boost by invigorating the lymphatic system. It generally detoxifies the body. It can also be used to great effect on respiratory ailments and is a great help in stomach related problems; including flatulence, dyspepsia, nausea, discomfort and indigestion.

Burners and vaporizers

In vapor therapy, angelica oil can be used to help clear lungs, for bronchitis, pleurisy and to ease shortness of breath as well as asthma.

Blended massage oil and in the bath

Angelica oil can be used in blended massage oil, or in the bath, to assist in aiding the lymphatic system, detoxification, digestive problems, to help with colds and flu, as well as to fight fungal growths.

Blended in a cream or lotion

As a constituent of a cream or lotion, angelica oil can be used to assist with circulation, arthritis, gout, sciatica, migraines, colds and flu, as well as helping to encourage the natural production of estrogen - this aids in regulating and easing painful monthly periods.

It is a remarkable healer for scars, wounds and bruises. Mix about 5 drops of angelica oil with 10 ml (2 tsp) of a vegetable oil like almond, and apply three times a day at first, then once every day until cured. Patience is necessary. Caution: Don’t expose yourself to the sun or ultra-violet light straight after use.

Add 2 drops of Angelica Essential oil along with 1 drop of Eucalyptus oil to steam inhalation for treating migraine pain, nasal congestion, cold, whooping cough, headache, bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma and breathing difficulties.

A weekly rejuvenating massage with 5 drops of Angelica oil blended with 3 drops of Rosewood oil, 3 drops of Petitgrain oil, 3 drops of Chamomile oil and 1 drop of Rose oil with 75 ml of Jojoba oil can alleviate nervous tension, anxiety, pain, anger, and negative feelings due to depression and hypertension.

A Few Words of Caution: It should be avoided during pregnancy and by diabetics. It can cause skin irritation in higher concentrations and also photo-toxicity. In higher doses, it can cause excessive stimulation or hyperactivity of the nervous system.

Blending: The Essential Oil of Angelica blends well with basil, chamomile, geranium, grapefruit, lavender, lemon, mandarin, and patchouli essential oils.

Brighid's Mantle

In Celtic Pagan stories, Brighid's mantle carries with it blessings and powers of healing. Many people believe that if you place a piece of cloth out upon your hearth at Imbolc, Brighid will bless it in the night. Use the same cloth as your mantle each year, and it will gain strength and power each time Brighid passes by. The mantle can be used to comfort and heal a sick person, and to provide protection for women in labor.

A newborn baby can be wrapped in the mantle to help them sleep through the night without fussing.

To make a Brighid's mantle of your own, find a piece of green cloth long enough to comfortably wrap around your shoulders. Leave it on your doorstep on the night of Imbolc, and Brighid will bless it for you. In the morning, wrap yourself in her healing energy.

An old Gaelic name for Brigid was "Brighid of the Tribe of the Green Mantles." The green of Brigid comes to us in the promise of the return of spring, the promise of renewed life on earth, through the birthing of the new calves of the season which takes place during the time of the Festival of Brigid. Green shoots begin to appear in dark, cold earth as the sun begins to melt away remaining drifts of snow.

Art By Barrie Maguire

Thursday 14 January 2016

Meaning & Symbolism of Aster

With their wildflower beauty and lush texture, asters have long been considered an enchanted flower.

In ancient times, it was thought that the perfume from their burning leaves could drive away evil serpents. Today, they're known as a talisman of love and a symbol of patience. Also known as starworts, Michaelmas daisies or Frost flowers, the name aster is derived from the Greek word for "star," and its star-like flowers can be found in a rainbow of colors – white, red, pink, purple, lavender and blue, with mostly yellow centers. The September birth flower, asters also hold the honor of being the 20th wedding anniversary flower.

One ancient myth arises from the Iron Age, when people learned to make weapons of iron, the god Jupiter, was angered by all the fighting with these iron weapons that he decided to destroy the entire race by a flood. The gods fled the earth and the last to go, the goddess Astraea, was so saddened that she asked to be turned into a star. When the flood waters receded, all that was left was mud and slime. Astraea felt so sorry for them she wept, her tears falling as stardust which turned to lovely starflowers or asters. 

Another myth comes from Greek mythology. Every year Aegeus, king of Athens, would send seven young men and seven maidens to the king of Crete. There they would be sacrificed to the Minotaur, a creature with a bull's body and human head. One year Aegeus' son Theseus volunteered to be one of the youths, believing he could slay the Minotaur. When he sailed for Crete he told his father, who dearly loved his son, that when he returned he would fly white sails on the ship instead of the black ones that were raised when the ship left. Theseus did arrive at Crete, where he fell in love with the king¹s daughter Ariadne. With her help, he entered the labyrinth and killed the Minotaur. However, on his return to Athens, Theseus forgot to hoist the white sails. Seeing the black sails his father, believing his son had been killed, then killed himself. Purple asters sprang up from the ground where his blood flowed, the result of a spell put on him by sorceress Medea, who had been once been his wife. 

According to the Cherokee Indian legend, two warring tribes, fighting over a choice hunting ground, waged war over a hill, down a valley and into a village. All the villagers were killed except for two sisters who hid in the woods. Both wore doe skin dresses, one dyed lavender-blue with fringe, the other one bright yellow. The sisters sought out the Herb Woman who lived over the mountain in another valley. This woman gathered herbs by day and brewed magic potions by night, a gift given to her by the gods. As the sisters slept that night under the stars, the Herb Woman looked into the future and saw that these little girls would be hunted down by the enemy. So she sprinkled them with a magic brew and covered them with leaves. In the morning there were two flowers where the sisters had been. One was the lavender-blue aster, the fringe from the dress having been turned into the outer flower petals of the aster. The other flower was the yellow goldenrod. 

Walking The Red Road - By Terri Jean

Walking The Red Road

Daily Inspiration

This is not a calendar in the true sense of the word. It is instead a daily inspiration of priceless ancient knowledge from Native American elders. This wisdom has been passed on from generation to generation for centuries. By reading the messages for each day we learn to move positively down our personal road without fear or doubt."

365 Days Of Walking The Red Road: The Native American Path to Leading a Spiritual Life Every Day (Religion and Spirituality)

You will find a monthly lesson to help your spiritual journey on the Red Road in the book that begins on January 1st and goes through each month and day of the year. Includes important dates in Native American History. You will learn the proper uses of dream catchers and other symbols and crafts.

There are inspiring quotations from well known and historically significant Native Americans such as Chief Joseph, Geronimo, Tecumseh and Black Hawk to name just a few.

An incredible book to read each day of the year to learn more about your own spiritual journey from the Elders of different tribal traditions. Learn your way from those who came before you as leaders of their people.