Monday 30 November 2015


Use Uncrossing oil to hold up a protective mirror against others’ negative projections, and to untangle the knots of competition, jealousy or revenge (in others or yourself).

An uncrossing is a method of removing crossed conditions, which could mean anything from an actual curse someone has put on you, to a run of bad luck, to a destructive behavior pattern. An uncrossing operation is like a souped-up banishing ritual or psychic detox that purges your system of crossed conditions.

Uncrossing Magick Oil Recipe


essential oil of hyssop
essential oil of angelica
essential oil of frankincense
a pinch of sea salt
a pinch of black pepper
a pinch of cayenne pepper
a sprig of rue
a sliver of fresh garlic
a section of broken chain, e.g., from a key-chain or necklace

Add the ingredients to a bottle filled with blended castor oil and jojoba oil. The crucial ingredients are the hyssop and the chain. Add the other ingredients as desired. Essential oil of angelica has photosensitizing properties: so if worn on the body, avoid exposure to the sun.

This oil is extremely versatile! Just some of the ways you can use the oil include:

* dress candles for cleansing and uncrossing
* add to bath salts for a spiritually cleansing bath
* dress the soles of your feet and wear as a personal power scent to stay clean
* add a few drops to your mopbucket to spiritually cleanse your home
* place a few drops on an unscented incense stick or diffuse in an oil burner to create Uncrossing incense for fumigation or ritual

Make the sign of uncrossing on any place associated with a curse or hex, or on your front doorstep. The sign of uncrossing is like an X, but each stroke is made from the center of the X outward, so as to "undo" the crossed circumstances. Draw each stroke in a counterclockwise direction, since counterclockwise is the direction of unmaking.

Make the stroke from the center to upper left, and recite "Undone the cross." Next make the stroke from the center to the bottom left and say, "Undone the charm." Now, make the stroke from the center of the X to the bottom right, saying "Undone the hex." Finally, from the center to the upper right, say "Undone the harm." I often say this spell four times rapidly: "Undone the cross, undone the charm, undone the hex, undone the harm," or in a set of four times four, sixteen. Each of the "roads" or pathways leading out from the center of the crossroads is a way for the bad energy to leave your life.

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