Sunday 31 July 2016


Keywords: Success, Abundance, Personal Power

Citrine is a joyful stone with bright energy which lights up many aspects of lives of those who work with it. It has energies of good fortune and good luck, though these may appear in unexpected ways.

Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the "Success Stone." It is said to promote and manifest success and abundance in all areas, and in many ways. It is particularly used to promote success in business if used in the cash box of a shop, carried or worn, earning it another nickname, "Merchant's Stone." In addition to manifesting abundance,

citrine also brings energies of generosity so that the prosperity and success is shared.

Citrine is a solar plexus chakra  stone used metaphysically to increase, magnify and clarify personal power and energy. This increased personal power can be used for the focused intent of the individual, as it brings will power as well.

Citrine is a fabulous stone to use to combat negative energy of any kind by breaking them up and dissipating them. It is helpful to clear unwanted energies from the environment, whether it be home, office, car, or other space indoors or out. Family issues caused by negative energies can also be cleared for resolution with citrine. Citrine is also a stone that brings hope. Since citrine eliminates negative energies, it is good for protection in general and helps bring stability energetically.
Citrine also does not absorb any negative energies from its surroundings, and thus never needs energetic clearing.

Because citrine can clear negative energy and influences from the aura, it is useful for meditation, psychic awareness, and spiritual development. By removing unwanted energies it paves the way for this spiritual and psychic growth. It is also excellent for dream recall and dream work.

In the mental arena, citrine enhances mental clarity, confidence, and will power. The mental clarity and confidence support bringing increased creativity and honesty.

Since citrine brings self-confidence as well as positive energy, it can also help eliminate fears of being judged or of others' ideas. It is also used to dissipate fear of being alone or unworthy of love.
Citrine is a happy stone. It can bring happiness to the person who carries or wears it. Because of its removal of negative energy and its own bring positivity, it can relieve depression, self-doubt, anger, and irrational mood swings.

Citrine is used to reduce self-destructive tendencies.  Citrine can help overcome emotional traumas and grief that may lead to these emotionally self-destructive issues.

In crystal healing and healing folklore, citrine is said to be beneficial for the digestion, stomach, nightmares, other sleep disturbances, thyroid, general health, heart, kidney, liver, muscles, strength, endocrine system, circulatory system, tissue regeneration, urinary system, immune system, diabetes, fibromyalgia. Citrine is also reputed to be good for removing toxins, and overcoming addictions.

Sensuality and sexuality can also be heightened by citrine making it a stone of positive choice for sexual issues.

Monday 18 July 2016

Anise Essential Oil Benefits

Since ancient times, anise has been in use as a spice and flavoring agent for food stuffs and beverages. It is also employed to flavor liquors. In India and certain other countries, anise is also used as a mouth freshener and digestive agent. The medicinal properties of this herb were known long ago in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. The essential oil of anise is extracted by steam distillation of dried fruits of anise, or Pimpinella Anisum, as it is known in botanical terminology, which yields a thin and clear oil of which Anethol is the prime constituent, consisting of about 90 percent of it and is also responsible for its characteristic aroma. The other constituents are alpha pinene, anisaldehyde, beta pinene, camphene, linalool, cis & trans-anethol, safrol, and acetoanisol.

Antirheumatic: This oil can give relief from rheumatic and arthritic pains by stimulating blood circulation, and by reducing the sensation of pain in the affected areas.

Antiseptic: This essential oil also has antiseptic properties and give wounds an effective protective layer against infections and sepsis. This aids in the faster healing of wounds.

Antispasmodic: Situations or ailments caused by spasms are cramps, coughs, aches, diarrhea, nervous afflictions and convulsions. Spasms are an excessive contraction of the respiratory tracts, muscles, nerves, blood vessels and internal organs that result in severe coughs, cramps, convulsions, obstructed blood circulations, aches in the stomach and chest and other symptoms. The essential oil of anise, being a relaxant and an anti-spasmodic by nature, relax these contractions and give relief from the ailments mentioned above.

Aperient: This oil has mild purgative properties, but is safe to use. Unlike other synthetic or harsh purgatives, it is not hard on the stomach and liver and does not leave you exhausted and fatigued. When taken in low dosages, it helps clear motions and cures constipation, resultant flatulence, and indigestion.

Carminative: Only those who are suffering from gas know what a relief it is to get rid of it. Gas is not funny at all. It is a very serious ailment and must be treated in a timely manner. It gives rise to indigestion, flatulence, acute chest pain, stomach aches, muscular cramps and pains, rheumatism in the long run, heaviness, hypertension and even problems like hair loss and reduction of eyesight, if it becomes chronic. Anise essential oil promotes the removal of gases and as a digestive, it does not let it form, as indigestion is the cause of excess gas.

Cordial: The warming effect of this oil on the respiratory and the circulatory systems makes it a cordial. This property helps counter colds, the deposition of phlegm, and problems like rheumatism and arthritis.

Decongestant: This oil of anise is very effective in clearing congestion in the lungs and the respiratory tracts for conditions like asthma and bronchitis.

Digestive: This property of anise and anise essential oil is very commonly used to promote digestion. It has been an old practice to chew Anise seeds, to serve desserts containing Anise, or to have a glass of warm water with few drops of anise essential oil in it to aid digestion, especially after a heavy meal or a feast.

Expectorant: This oil is really remarkable as an expectorant and this property earned it an impressive reputation. It loosens mucus or phlegm deposited in the lungs and respiratory tracts and gives relief from cough, heaviness in the chest, breathing troubles, asthma, bronchitis, congestion and other respiratory disorders. Due to the presence of this essential oil in the seeds, the seeds are used for smoking to loosen catarrh or phlegm.

Insecticide: The essential oil of anise is toxic to insects and smaller animals, therefore its smell keeps insects away. For this reason, this oil can be employed to drive away insects by using it in fumigants, vaporizers, and sprays.

Sedative: Due to its somewhat narcotic or numbing effects, it is used as a sedative for anxiety, nervous afflictions, depression, anger, and stress as well as for symptoms such as insomnia due to its tranquilizing and relaxing effects. This effect is particularly visible when it is used in higher dosages, since in very small doses, it acts as a stimulant. However, the utmost care should be taken while administering it in heavy doses, keeping in view its narcotic effects.

Stimulant: The stimulating property of anise essential oil can benefit us in the following ways. It can stimulate circulation and give relief from rheumatism and arthritis, stimulate secretion of enzymes and hormones, thus boosting the whole metabolism and finally, it can stimulate the nervous system and the brain to make us more active and alert.

Vermifuge: This is yet another aspect of its insecticidal property. It can kill worms found in the intestines. This property can be particularly beneficial for children, as they are most commonly afflicted with intestinal worms.

A Few Words of Caution:

 In heavy doses, it has narcotic effects and slows down respiration and circulation. It is poisonous to certain small animals and birds and therefore children should not be given high doses. Furthermore, it may cause irritation to certain skin types. It is best to avoid it during pregnancy. It may also aggravate certain types of cancers caused due to its effect on the estrogen hormone.

Saturday 16 July 2016

The Benefits of Argan Oil

Here are 10 of the ways that you can incorporate this anti-aging, moisturizing, and all-natural oil into your daily beauty regimen.

 1. Nighttime Moisturizer

Argan oil absorbs quickly, and does Nighttime Oil Treatmentnot leave an oily residue. After cleansing your skin with an all-natural cleanser, pour a single drop into your palm to warm. Apply in a circular motion to your face and neck.

In the winter months, or in dryer climates, you may need a second drop; but remember to use sparingly. This oil is gentle, and safe to use around your eyes.

Apply one drop to your face, using a tapping motion, from the bridge of your nose to your temple, and back again. Then apply a drop beneath your eyes with the same gentle tapping. The vitamin A and vitamin E can help to reduce fine wrinkles and keep this delicate area moisturized.

2. Skin Toner

Skin toning is an important step in your skin care routine. For an all-over glow, add 2-4 drops to 8 ounces of your favorite toner, or better yet, make your own chemical free, all natural toner at home!
Simply pour one cup of boiling water over a green tea bag and let steep for 7-10 minutes. Remove the tea bag and allow to come to room temperature. Add a drop or two of your favorite essential oil (orange, lemon or tea tree are great), and 2-4 drops of argan oil, and seal in a jar. Use morning and night after cleansing, and before moisturizing.

3. Exfoliating

Do-it-yourself exfoliators are not difficult to make, and are significantly less expensive than what you can purchase in the store, plus when you add argan oil, you get all the anti-aging effects too!

To experience the argan oil benefits while exfoliating, just mix 1 tablespoon of brown sugar with a couple of drops of argan oil in your hand. Rub into your face in a circular motion for 2-4 minutes; pay special attention to acne prone areas and areas that are dry. Rinse with warm water, and pat dry.

Regular exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, while giving you a younger fresher complexion. With the aid of the brown sugar, the argan oil’s nutrients are more readily absorbed into your skin.

Use this exfoliator for more than just your face! If you have dry elbows or heels (or during an at-home pedicure) mix up a bit more to massage the dry and dead skin away!

4. Acne

Chemical creams can be expensive, and in the long run truly do more harm than good. Argan oil’s high linoleic acid content helps to reduce inflammation caused by acne, (not to mention rashes, infections and bug bites) while helping heal damaged skin cells.

If you are using argan oil as your moisturizer, but are still fighting acne, place a drop in the palm of your hand and lightly dab a bit extra into problem areas. To fight stubborn or persistent white heads, be sure to make the toner above, using a couple of drops of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil compliments the argan oil benefits beautifully with its rich content of anti-oxidants and its inherent anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties. Together, they can help fight stubborn acne while reducing the inflammation, and scarring.

5. Stretch Marks

Argan oil can help prevent stretch marks by improving the elasticity of the skin. Warm 2-3 drops of pure argan oil in the palm of your hands and gently rub your stomach, hips, thighs or any other potential problem areas.

The vitamin A and vitamin E will help to rejuvenate the skin while moisturizing, making stretch marks less likely to form. If you already have a stretch mark or two, start by massaging argan oil and brown sugar into the affected areas before your next bath. Rinse well and apply the oil to the affected areas prior to dressing.

6. Razor Bumps and BurnSmooth Legs

Razor bumps and razor burn are uncomfortable and unsightly. Argan oil is an effective treatment to soothe and heal for men after shaving, as well as women for their legs and bikini line.
Warm a drop or two of the oil in your hands and lightly massage into the affected area. The healing power of the oil will astound you.

7. Leave-In Conditioner & Styling Long Healthy Hair

Argan oil is not only beneficial to skin – it is also great for hair. This non-greasy oil makes for the perfect leave-in conditioner that makes your hair easier to style while repairing those pesky split ends! Argan oil helps to tame frizz and fly-aways, protect against the heat of hair dryers, curlers and flat irons, all the while promoting body, and a healthy shine.

There is some research that indicates argan oil can even promote hair growth, so be sure to rub it in to your scalp too. Depending on the thickness, texture, condition, and length of your hair, you may need anywhere from 1 drop to 3 drops.

Getting the right amount may take some practice.  Start with a drop (or for short hair ½ drop may do) and warm in your palms before raking your fingers through your hair, paying special attention to your ends. Once complete, add ½ drop to your fingertips and massage into your scalp. Rub any excess into your face, neck or hands.

8. Overnight Deep Conditioning Treatment

If you have dry, brittle hair, once a week do an overnight deep conditioning treatment with argan oil.
Warm 4-10 drops in your hands before massaging into your scalp. Continue applying all the way to the ends, twist, and place a shower cap on top. Your natural body heat retained in the shower cap will help the oil to penetrate, while keeping your pillowcase free of oil. In the morning, wash your hair as normal, rinsing until all residue is gone.

If you have dandruff or dry scalp, do an overnight treatment twice per week until dandruff is gone. Continue on with weekly treatments, or as needed.

9. Lip Conditioner

Argan oil benefits more than just your skin and hair; it makes for a wonderful lip treatment or chap stick substitute! Rub in 1-2 drops, and wipe away any excess.
This will not only heal any cracked lips, but also keep your lips soft, smooth and conditioned. Keep argan oil around in winter-time to prevent chapped lips.

10. Nails

Dot a fraction of a drop directly onto each nail, one at a time, and rub into the nail bed and cuticle. Leave on until all nails have been treated.

Wash and rinse thoroughly and then apply polish as desired. The oil will help to condition your nails, but also help keep your cuticles moisturized so you don’t develop painful hangnails.